Tattoo Auction
Our Jan 10 Auction date has been postponed due to the winter storm last week. We are trying to reschedule for Sunday January 25th, 2004. We will confirm this within a couple of days. If you need to - contact

Tattoo Equipment and a Complete Tattoo Shop
1011 W 6th Avenue, Eugene Oregon

Largest Auction of Tattoo equipment ever accumulated including 1 complete Tattoo shop, established for 13 years. Up for Auction are the complete contents of Rusty Savages Tattoo Studio and the assets from several other shops and a large inventory of Tattoo equipment from Rusty Savages private collection. After 28 years of high volume tattooing in dozens of shops, Rusty has decided to clean house and move on out of town.

Over 1500 sheets of top name artists flash, all in large lots. Autoclave sterilizers, desktop stencil makers, lunch box stencil makers, copiers, ultrasonic cleaners, over 200 pounds of powdered pigment, hydraulic chairs, lights, sinks, cabinets, signs, power supplies, parts & supplies for all kinds of Tattoo Equipment and accessories.

Bid on as 1 lot or it will be auctioned by the piece
First up for Auction at is Rusty Savages Tattoo Shop at 1011B W 6th Ave Eugene OR. Successful and established for the last 13 years. Lease is $750 per month – Gross income has ranged from $150K to over $350K – Includes 500+ Sheets of Flash w/stencils, 3 ready stations w/sinks chairs & cabinets, Autoclave, Stencil maker, Copier, Computer system, various parts & supplies and more. If this item does not sell in 1 Lot it will be broken up and auctioned as individual items with the other Lots. Sealed bids will be accepted till 10am the day of the auction. Minimum bid for Tattoo Shop by Sealed bid is $7500.
Bidders must be present - cash payment only - all sales are final.



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More info

Large and small lots of flash, equipment & pigment
1000+ Sheets of Flash in large lots of top name tattoo artists, mostly in sets and many are personalized. Lot sizes range from 10 sheets to 100 sheets. Artists names include; Jack Rudy, Paul Booth, Guy Aitcheson, Paul Jeffries, Ken Cameron, Ian of Redding, Judy Parker, Julie Moon, Marty Holcomb, Walt Daily Jr, Sailor Moses, Mickey Kott, Mike Malone, Mike Pike, Little Mick, Tattoo Brand, Guideline, Dave Rubin, Tom Donovan and many many more. Some flash is laminated and is from Tattoo Shop walls and some is new from private collections. Some sets have line drawings some do not.
Several Autoclaves from American, Castle and Harvey.
There are several desktop stencil makers from 3M and several more Heyer Lunchbox stencil makers and a box of parts.
Several Ultrasonic cleaners and parts.
Numerous power supplies and cords and parts & accessories.
Over 200 pounds (1 lb bags) of powdered pigment in large and small lots. Colors include white, brown, orange, yellow, golden yellow, red, magenta, dark green, dark blue and dark purple.
Bidders must be present - cash payment only - all sales are final.


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Auction Services by: Mel Neagle

Tattoo Shop & Equipment Auction

1011 W 6th Ave, Eugene OR

From I-5 in Eugene, take I-105 towards City Center. Exit on Hwy 99 N – which is 6th Ave. 2 Blocks on right side, after 7-11 store.
Click Here for Map

Over 1500 sheets of high quality shop proven flash by top name artists. Autoclaves, Stencil makers, copiers, graphic computer system, Ultrasonics, Hydraulic chairs, over 200 pounds of powdered pigment and assorted Tattoo equipment and supplies. From Tattoo shop inventories and a private collection.

First up for Bid is a complete, running, established and successful Tattoo Shop belonging to Rusty Savage. Complete with over 500 sheets of Flash, 3 stations w/cabinets &, hydraulic chairs, furniture,  autoclave, copier, computer system, stencil maker, ultrasonics, sinks, cabinets, lights, outdoor sign and all assorted equipment and supplies on the shelves. Established for 13 years - this shop has grossed over 1 ½ million dollars!!! Shop contents only, with Non-Compete agreement & up to 2 year lease - don’t miss this opportunity. Sealed bids will be accepted until 10am on day of the auction. Sealed bids are read first, bidders must be present. If shop does not sell in 1 lot, it will be auctioned item by item until all sold. Shop can be seen in person during business hours at 1011 W 6th Ave, Eugene OR 8pm - midnight Tue – Sat, noon – 6pm Sun or call 541 345-8282 or 541 953-7853 or email

Additional items have been collected from several other Tattoo Shops that have closed and from Rusty Savages private collection from 28 years of tattooing. All items will be available for inspection by calling 541 345-8282 or 541 953-7853.

Payment must be made in cash at the time of auction. All sales are final and all items must be taken at time of sale except sale of Tattoo Shop which may be occupied upon acceptance of lease agreement.

Tattoo Shop is open 7:30 pm to Midnight Tuesday- Saturday and Sunday noon – 6pm. All of the other items will be available for inspection at that time also. 541 345-8282 or 541 953-7853 for more information, directions or questions or email

About the Shop - 1 bid gets it All !!

Complete Tattoo Shop, established and succesful for 13 years. Includes flash on the wall, equipment and fixtures, even lights, cabinets and the sinks. 3 ready stations and 1 spare. Ready to Go! Over 500 sheets of quality, name flash - no bootlegs. Autoclave, ThermoFax Stencilmaker, Computer system, copier, Ultrasonics and Supplies on the Shelves.

You will be bidding on the complete contents of my Tattoo Shop in Eugene Oregon and you will also get the proverbial "Location, Location, Location" of Tattoo Shops in Western Oregon. I have been tattooing at this location since December of 1990 and have promoted it all over the world during my Tattoo travels. My name is Rusty Savage and I have been Tattooing since 1976, about 20 years of that here in the Northwest. I am walking away with just my irons and my tattoo kit - everything else stays, including supplies on the shelf, including pigment, bandages, gloves and all - not to mention one of the most known Tattoo shop locations in the Pacific Northwest. You dont get my business name - you'll have to change the name - but you do get a no compete clause from me.

Bring your irons and you're in Business!!!

Click a link to see more.

Click on an image for a detailed view

This Sign has been here for 13 years and is a Fixture on Hwy 99. Sign needs to be painted. Its 4' X 8'.

Basically there are 6 parking spaces for the shop
. The house next door will be for rent, it has 3.

The house next door is nice 4 BR, 1 1/2 B, fireplace,
privt yard, hot tub, new roof & paint. Rents for $850..

Motorcycles park up front.

Looking in from the front door.

Looking in from the front window.

Actually looking through the front window.

Looking across to the front door and wall of flash.

Looking across from the front.

Wall of flash on the window side.

Copier and sink. Notice the neon Open sign - sorry
the O got broken - I'll leave it though. Copier is out of toner. Add chairs and you have a 4th tattoo station.

3m Thermofax and stencils for the flash. I have been
using the computer system to scan, size, flip and print stencils lately, its easy after you get the hang of it.

Utility room next to the Thermofax. Some pigment
and supplies on the shelves.

American Sterilizer, several ultrasonics, pigments and supplies with needle making area and sanitizing sink.

Here is the Station in front on the north wall.

2nd station in front on the south wall.

1/2 of the back (large) station, where I tattoo. My
personal gear in the cabinet will go with me.

Shelf in the back room with stereo system and assorted supplies, bandages, tape, bags etc.

Here is the other half of the back station.

More shelves in the back, the shelves are yours also.

Click on an image for a detailed view

500+ sheets of flash. Full sets (Or close) some signed by artists, including:
Jack Rudy, Paul Jeffries, Paul Booth, Ken Cameron, Walt Dailey Jr, Little Mick, Guy Aitcheson, Mike Malone, Micky Kott, Julie Moon, Marty Holcomb, Judy Parker, Greg Irons, Tom Donovan, Louis Segado, Kevin Brady, John Sarguson, Paul Rowlett, Mike Pike, Scott Schwab, Rusty Savage and more.
3, hydraulic client chairs: 2, 1962 "Presidential"s and a beauty recliner.
1, "American" Sterilizer & several assorted Ultrasonics
3, artist backless rolling chairs and 5 customer waiting chairs and 1 computer desk chair.
4, sinks and cabinets
3, station cabinets
1ea, Canon 8 1/2 X 11 & 11 X 17 copier (Needs toner) and table.
1ea, Windows Computer system with scanner and printer and Desk.
1ea, 3m "Secretary" Stencil Maker and Stencils for Flash.
1ea, Stereo System, 220V Window AC Unit and 220V Forced Air Heater.
5, 4' utility lights, 3 swingarm lamps.
1, 4' X 8' oval outdoor sign.
Soap and papertowel dispensers
Assorted pigments, power supplies and various small parts and supplies on the selves.

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I started Tattooing in the Eugene Area in the mid 1970s. Traveled the country tattooing with lots of influential artists and after several other shops of my own, I came back to Eugene in 1987. I opened several shops in Eugene and Junction City and then I opened this shop at 1011 W 6th Avenue in 1990. It is right on HWY 99 in the middle of Eugene, certainly the best known Tattoo shop in the Area. Over the years I have had Artists like Sailer Moses, Paul Booth, Corey Miller, Creeper, Fat Cat, Mike Button, Lyon King, Diamond, Uncle Bill, James and RJ Rosini, Wondo Loski, Asa Lee Crow, Sonny Ray and many more.

The shop is about 1200 square feet. I own everything in the store from the plumbing to the lights - it was an open room when I moved in. The lease does specify that it must be taken out in a workman like manner if removed. There is 2 years left on the lease and it is transferable. The lease is locked at $750 for the 2 years and it is paid up to Jan 1st. There are a total of 9 parking spaces that you share with the house. I have been in the house for the whole time I 've had the shop but I will be moving out after Jan 1st and it will be available to rent as well. It rents for $850. The house is a big 4 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, office area, bay room, fireplace, laundry room, hot tub, private yard, RV parking and utility shop. Back to the Studio - the landlord will allow a shorter lease or if you want or even a month to month to start if you want. One thing about the lease is that it will protect you if the property ever gets sold. Its been for sale several times and has changed owners twice since I have been here.

I have made quite a lot of money here over the years. I have had as many as 6 artists working there at a time. It is a traditional street tattoo shop. Generally open from noon to midnight in the spring and summer. I always take walkins and rarely work by appointment. Lately I have only been working evenings. I generally have 1 or 2 other guys working there. Last year I made about $67K according to my Schedule C for '02. '01 was about the same. Total for the shop for last year was about $152K between me and Justin and Matt who worked for me then. In the early 90s the shop had totals of over $350K with 6 or 7 Artists working here.

The shop is licensed through the Oregon Health Division in Salem. You will have to file for a facility license in the new owners name. It is an Application that you submit in Salem with $200 and you'll have to list at least 1 Oregon licensed Artist. After submiting, you can work and they will inspect you whenever they get around to it - sometimes it takes a while.All tattooers must be licensed through the division.

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Why I'm Selling:
I guess I finally am ready to slow down. I have been Tattooing for 28 years now and I recently opened another shop over in the next town. My kids are 10 and I figured I could take on more work. Well the next thing you know my wife is pregnant and Im gonna be a Dad again at 49. So now we decide we need a bigger house - out in the country. So I was already thinking about selling one of the shops when my son was born with serious medical problems and we spent a couple of weeks up in Emanual Childrens Hospital with him. He's home now and doing well but I have decided to cut way back on my workload and sell the shop that has the higher value and besides the Springfield shop is closer to our new house. The price is fair and in fact low considering how quickly you will pay for it. I wanted to sell it fast so I can get moved out to my new place. I can continue to run it like it is but I'd rather be at home with my wife and kids.

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1. All items are used and without warranty or guarantee.
2. No warranty as to any specific amount of business or income potential is expressed or implied.
3. Cash must be presented at time of bid.
4. You get posession of the building after payment and sale agreement & lease agreement is signed.
5.non compete claus shall be provided with sale agreement..
5. No "Intellectual" property is included in this transaction, such as the business names Studio Tattoo or Tattooing by Rusty Savage, logos, web content or other other art work. Any references on signs or printed material must be deleted or covered within 15 days of final transaction.
6. Sealed bids are accepted until 10am Jan 10, 2004. Sealed bids must include Legal Name and address on outside. Inside must contain a bid of at least $7500 with contact information. Email sealed bids are OK. Write Sealed Bid in Subject line and include full name, address, phone number and a bid amount of $7500, minimum, to You must be present for bidding at 11am Jan 10, 2004. Sealed bids are read first at beginning of auction.

Non Compete Claus:
I will give you a 2 year non compete claus in the City Limits of Eugene, so you dont have to worry about competing with me.

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