Tat2 Net

Tattoo Party of the Year!

Tattoo BarBQue

at Lyle Tuttle's


                You know, sometimes you find yourself at an event or a location that really surprises you. Even as
I look at the images to upload them, I'm pretty much blown away by the BarBQue at Lyle Tuttle's Northwest Hideaway. Actually I just thought I might stop in for a quick looksee, on the way home from the Reno Convention last weekend. Boy Howdee! Orlando and crew were tying up Porky on the spit and there was every kind of burger and dog or chop you can think of. Finger food and stuff to dip and spread, beans and cole slaw too, it was every bit of a feast. Oh yea and there were drinks too...
                I arrived a little early on Monday with my brood in tow and Lyle was there greeting us in style, he and Brenda were inexhaustable hosts. The Tattoo memorabilia is tucked away everywhere and the Tuttle Room was laden with real tangible Tattoo History. Even the worlds largest tattoo machine was unpacked and drilling away.
                The amazing part of this 2 day cook and eat fest combined with a Tattoo Artifacts and history slash Nostalgia session, was the inspiring group of tattoo artists and friends that showed up. By the time I left the next day, I had rubbed elbows and listened to stories and even tall tales with an unbelievable bunch of artists and their spouses, friends and maybe even a couple of ne'erdowells. Too many to name but I know I saw Shawn Anderson and his wife, Paul Booth and his Lady, Greg and Peggy Scibo, Bald Bill Henshaw and Kat, Don and Sharon Browse, Lyon and Michelle King and Rusty Savage with his family. Judy Parker and Jackie Gresham were there, as well as Tom Lockhart from West Coast Tattoo in Canada and Leona from Puerto Rico, Paul and Brian from San Francisco. Mickey and Dick and Chasity and Bonnie Jean and I'm forgetting more than a few. Bill and Cynthia DeMichelle from Tattoos.Com and Tattoo Magazine were there to cover the extravaganza. To many to name them all. Enjoy the pictures. It was a party never to forget. A Tattoo family affair it was for sure.

Tat2 Artie....

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