Tat2 Net

National Tattoo Convention

Images and Report from Tat2 Artie
Reno Hilton April 19-22


                    This year's National Tattoo Association's Tattoo convention 2001 at the Reno Nevada Hilton was as spectacular as expected. An Excellant setting for a fun filled getaway and Tattoo gettogether, and I didn't even gamble all my cash, folks. For those that caught it we ran a live webcam all weekend in the Tattoo Room, in Rusty Savages Booth. He was busy tattooing all weekend and didnt even notice us. Much.

                    The welcome party on Thursday night was pretty impressive to begin with. A huge banquet room with tables piled high with ham & roast beef, pastas and breads and salads & vegetables, finger foods and several bars for the liquid dieters. There were some of the best Tattoo artists of the day, of yesterday and tomorrow. And tattoo collectors from around the world showing off their art and even an open photo session. Even after such a late night, I managed to make it to the contests on Friday and got you a few photos to prove I was there and not hung over upstairs as was earlier reported.

                    Friday night came a huge banquet with over 500 Tattoo artists, collectors and friends and families. I had the Filet Mignon and Chicken combo as did every one else at our table, except Kat, bald Bill's wife. She had a filet of salmon that looked pretty dang good too. By the time the desert came around, you could stick a fork in me I was definitely "Done". When the anouncements started, I ran out for a quick break and lost my seat. Tne room had filled up with 800-900 people, so this was what you could see and hear from the back. (No press pass for Ol' Tat2 Artie, ya know..) I did hear that Billy Tinney from Tattoo Magazine had won the Peter Tat2 Award That is for recognicion of the contribution to the entire Tattoo industry. Shawn Anderson took a top 3 for Best Portrait on his wife and Charlie Cartright tattooed Best Male overall. A bunch of top 3's went to a group from Indianapolis called New Breed. They were pretty excited to make it to the "Big Leagues".

                   Spent Saturday and Sunday in the Tattoo Room, which was packed both days. Tattooers and booth holders included Don Ed Hardy & Mike Malone, Ken Cameron, Paul Booth, Mike Pike, Judy Parker, Don Browse, Armadillo Red, Shawn Anderson, Rusty Savage, Jack Rudy, Brian Everett, Cap Szumski, Bill & Juni Salmon, Hori Hito I, Chuck Eldridge and many more I didnt mention. Missed the Roast for Uncle Bud Yates of Colorado Springs and President of NTA, but I heard it was hysterical. The next thing I knew we were headed to Lyle Tuttles famous BarBQue on Monday morning. enjoy the photos.

Tat2 Artie...

CLICK HERE to see images of Lyle Tuttle's BarBQue.



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